Black - 7/10
Short...really short....and I am not talking about Garry Coleman, I am referring to the length of Black. I ran through it in 5 hours I don't believe I have ever played a AAA title that short, it just hasn't happened. The game is difficult, so difficult I am not sure I want to play through again on Normal, Hard, and Black Ops difficulties. Maybe I just sucked but I doubt that...the game is F-ing intense. I found my self in many a tight spot even on Easy...and your kill count will reach the thousands once you reach the end of the game. In terms of graphics, well, the commercials emphasize the guns and rightfully so, textures on anything else are pretty bland...possibly a trade off for extremely destructible environments. Though the destructability is so extreme that most likely alot of it gets lost in the intensity of the action. The story, the little there is, is progressed through live action scenes...of which you cannot skip for what ever bloody stupid reason. There good but I just want to play when I have like 20 min till I have to go. One pet peeve I had about this game is later on I could barely see my reticule for aiming. The dust flying around caused it too blend right in, but that could be a positive because the dev put dust in. The environments look bland at times but the destructability made up for it. The enemies were numerous and annoying. The game was too short and the menus are a little simple for my taste, I like menus that I can use. Also co-op and multiplayer would have been big pluses, but for some reason were not included here.
Overal the game was lacking compared to my expectations, but still ok. Also in regards too it being short it is supposed to be a series of three games so I guess that makes up for it.
Until Next.