Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Give New Companies a Chance

Recently I bought a game called "Legend of Kay", it is a platformer that involves a ninja cat that has too stop an eveil gorilla and rat from taking over the world. The gameplay is solid with fun moves and tight controls, it has a relatively decent difficulty, and spyro-like graphics. The reason I bought it was because it looked half-decent and I decided to give the little guy some help.
In a game world filled with popular sequels, and crappy movie games the smaller more original companies are getting quashed. I had never even heard of the Legend of Kay before yet it was a fun game that was better quality then alot of stuff from say EA.
All I am saying is that the next time you're in EB or Wal-mart or where ever you buy games have a look at some stuff you have never heard of and give it a try. You could be pleasently surprised.
Until Next.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Backgrounds, Backgrounds every where...

And not a drop to drink. Wait thats not right, well no matter. I have recently taken up the hobby of making relatively simple backgrounds. The gems I will post on my photobucket account in 1024x768 and 1280x1024. Have a look and please give me feed back. (Yes the Lionhead eye is available and believe me it looks great.)

Halo 3? I don't think so

Recently a script supposedly the official Halo 3 storyline has been circling the web, but much like Britney Spear's sextape its a hoax. Sorry people but you must think with your heads not your eyes. Firstly Halo is one of the hottest franchises to hit the gaming market in years and by this point in time any detail is under lock a key. Also Bungie could be taking a break from it companies do do that. Consider Doom in this regard. Today I happened too browse the serious of games for the Xbox 360 and for some reason EB has Halo 3 prime for release on June.30, 2006. That is amazing Bungie has not even ***king announced the game and EB figures they can finger a release date. F*** they might as well be CNN or Fox news reporting on the Iraq War before it even started, hell before it was even mentioned as a possibility.
My only beef is if EB really wants to be taken seriously they need to put up real games! with real realease dates!
Though here is a prime quote for today from EB themselves,
"The ship date and retail price have not been confirmed and therefore are subject to change. If the retail price is decreased you will receive the lower price."