Need for Speed: Carbon (X360)- 8/10
Pretty and Fast. They accomplished their two main objectives and they know it since they included the photo mode yet again. The races are nicely tracked out but since they made the city bigger it feels simpler. The city in the last Need for Speed was at least I felt more complex, smaller but more intricate. The city now is relatively simple with some alternative routes and hidden side streets. Also oddly I don't feel the same level of competency from the police. They were always on my ass always one P.I.T. maneuver from taking me out. I am 40% through the game and I have barely felt their presence. it makes things easier but at the same time relatively disappointing. The cars available are much within the same respect as the last game with the added bonus of the Autosculpt. Which allows the anal among us to truly fine tune the look of their car. Also there is the addition of the sidekick who helps you out in races, either to find paths, block other drivers, or give you a bit of a speed boost. They are nice to have around because usually no matter how much you screw up they will win the race, heck when you are winning they will steal it from you at the last moment. Annoying in a principle sense but nice in able-to-be-a-retard sense.
I recommend this game as a used buy because I'm sure the online is fun, the main game is fun, and the unlockables are sweet. So for the little annoyance it is nice and a solid racer.
Crackdown (X360)- 9/10
What!? Over already!? Noooooooooo!!
Oh right I was writing something. Well having just beat the game and finally 4-stared everything I have little to do in the Crackdown world...doesn't mean I'll stop playing it..there is still online...hehehe. The game is nicely stylized without being annoying and due to the graphics it can do some awesome distance drawing. I know you've probably heard it before, but really it is useful to know where your headed or where you want to go. It's also just damn pretty. Your abilities as an agent are incredible as you increase them. Also don't worry once you complete the main game you can still wander around the world with criminals or no criminals. The online I tried a little and with a good connection could be quite fun. Only real issue with this game is the length, everything else is wonderful and fun. When you can jump like a grasshopper from roof top to roof top...honestly you'll find yourself giggling like a child.
Anyways rent it, buy it, whichever. It's good.
Until Next.