8 - Servbot Heads
In the middle of a Zombie Epidemic its nice to put a funny face on the situation sometimes...literally. Servbot heads can be shoved on the head of any walking zombie. Grab enough and then "cap" enough and you will have the workings of a great screenshot.
7 - Bowling Ball
Bored? Play Ten-pin. Bowling balls are a good source of fun and if zombies could yell obscenities at you it would be even more fun. Just stand at a distance, wind up, and let er roll!
6 - Boomerang
Similar principle as the bowling ball, not that effective for killing but if you want a Crocodile Dundee flash back, its the way to go.
5 - Lawn Mower
We're Mowin' now! Nuff' said.
4 - Car
Same principle derived from the mower according to Dr. Oppenhoggen of the Car->Zombie School of Massacre Research.
3 - Shotgun
Classic. Just Classic.
2 - Mini-Chainsaws
Vroom, Vroom in your hand. hehehehe...
1 - Queen Bee
Story Related Item...basically smash one of these baby's and every undead thing in a 2o ft radius dies. Don't ask why, just accept it. It's the sound of music...dah dahdahdah du dah du doo doo.... It's good...trust me.
So those are the missing Weapons and days. No pics now but maybe later.