Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) - March 28, 2006
The unlikely but successful collaboration between Square Enix and Disney Interactive returns in Kingdom Hearts II; where a darkly-cloaked Mickey Mouse joins Donald, Goofy, and Sora as they continue their adventure into several popular Disney-inspired worlds. Battling against the Heartless once more, the dedicated group of friends now find themselves up against an all-new enemy threat -- a mummy-wrapped ruler of unknown origin. Also fresh to the series is a brand new meter known as the "Transformation Drive" that allows players to merge with other team members to create more powerful versions of themselves. New costume designs, improved camera controls, and the answer to lingering plot questions from the first game are also included. Developed exclusively for the PlayStation 2.
Black (Xbox 360)(PS2) - February 27, 2006
The developers of Burnout take the heavy throttle of its highly-evolved graphics engine, shove a threaded barrel into its exhaust ports, and load it up with high-caliber bullets with Black, a first-person shooter from EA and Criterion Games. Join the world’s most brutal and enigmatic strike force. The BLACK tactical squad operates under the cloak of complete anonymity and deniability to protect the US from threats foreign and domestic. It answers to no one, allowing it to carry out brutal and overt operations around the globe. From manipulating politicians to controlling intelligence networks and militaries, BLACK operatives are trained at the highest level in psychological warfare, espionage, and lethal arts. Go deep into the world of clandestine warfare as you use any means necessary to get the job done.
Tomb Raider: Legend (PS2) - April 11, 2006
The first Tomb Raider title to be designed by Crystal Dynamics (after years under original creator Core), Tomb Raider: Legends is an all-new start for Lara Croft. New character animations and control schemes compliment the more natural character design and level details for the most immersive chapter in the series. Lara comes packing modern devices such as a magnetic grappling device, binoculars, frag grenades, personal lighting device and communications equipment for her all-new adventure.
Final Fantasy 12 or XII (PS2) - Q2 2006
First traditional RPG installment in Square's long-running Final Fantasy series since Final Fantasy X. While Final Fantasy X-2 offered a mission-based structure, Final Fantasy XI explored online roleplaying, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles focused on multiplayer link-up gaming, Final Fantasy XII (12) goes back to the meat of the series by offering a sweeping storyline, a party setup, and character advancement. The game follows the exploits of main character Vaan who can join forces with at least two characters at the time. Final Fantasy XII is being produced and directed by Yasumi Matsuno and is slated for release on PlayStation 2.
Starcraft: Ghost (PS2, Xbox 360) - Q2 2006
Stealth action game, set in the ground-breaking real-time strategy game's universe. The story involves Ghost Nova, who is investigating a mysterious chemical known as Terrazine Gas. It is a powerful psychic reagent that has attracted attention from the Zerg, Protoss, and Terrans alike. StarCraft: Ghost is a tactical action game. The new approach, which now takes place in full third-person 3D and stars a super-sexy heroine as a 'ghost operative,' still involves futuristic alien battles involving the three warring races, but does so with a new emphasis on stealth and in-level combat. Nova uses her cloaking abilities and the latest Terran technology to outwit her enemies.
Star Wars: Empire at War (PC) - February 16, 2006
Set in between chapters of the two Star Wars series, this realtime strategy game bridges Episode III and Episode IV as wars rage for control of the galaxy after the devastation of the Clone Wars and in the wake of the Jedi slaughter that has disrupted the balance of the force. The game lets players wage war on ground and in space, as well as experience the creation of the Rebel Alliance, the strengthening of the Empire and the beginnings of the Galactic Civil War. All of the gameplay and action within Star Wars: Empire at War is a persistent, meaning that strategic and tactical elements from previous events will have a permanent effect on the galaxy.
LOTR: Battle for Middle-Earth 2 (PC) - February 2006
The follow-up to EA's strategy title set in J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved novel series, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth 2 allows players to engage in heated battles with Elven and Dwarven armies plus heroes and creatures that have never been seen in a The Lord of the Rings film. The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II Collector's Edition will offer everything the sequel does plus entirely new and exclusive content. Included is an exclusive Bonus DVD with HD-video content of in-game cinematics and trailers, plus "The Making of The Battle for Middle-earth II" featurette, "The Art of the Game" artwork collection, a two-sided, 11x17 Campaign Map Poster, and exclusive game content that includes unique "create-a-hero" graphics and the fire-breathing Dragon unit.
Prey (PC) - March 2006
Prey tells the story of Tommy, a Cherokee garage mechanic stuck on a reservation going nowhere. Abducted along with his people to a menacing mothership orbiting Earth, he sets out to save himself and his girlfriend and eventually his planet. In Prey, players enter a living spaceship which enslaves alien races and devours humans for lunch. A unique twist on the first person shooter genre, Prey features such innovations as the ability to walk on walls, manipulate gravity and perform a "spirit walk" by leaving your physical body behind. Designed by Human Head (under the direction of 3D Realms), Prey features full online support for up to eight players, utilizing the game's play innovations for unique multiplayer experiences.
Heroes of Might and Magic V (PC) - Q1 2006
(No article at Gamespot but I think the screenshot speaks for its self)
Auto Assault (PC) - Spring 2006
Take out your road rage safely with Auto Assault -- fast-paced vehicular combat, high-tech, futuristic weaponry, and hundreds of intense skills provide a unique departure from traditional MMORPGs. Hop in your own customized cars, semis, and motorcycles and prepare to fight the mutated creatures and bandits of Auto Assault's post-apocalyptic world. Battle other players both in arenas and in epic race vs. race wars for control of the regions in a devastated Earth. Auto Assault uses the power of the Havok physics engine to let you make insane jumps, send obstacles flying and even blast bridges, buildings, fences and trees with your car-mounted rockets. Anything you can hit, you can destroy! Take out your road rage safely with Auto Assault -- fast-paced vehicular combat, high-tech, futuristic weaponry, and hundreds of intense skills provide a unique departure from traditional MMORPGs. Hop in your own customized cars, semis, and motorcycles and prepare to fight the mutated creatures and bandits of Auto Assault's post-apocalyptic world. Battle other players both in arenas and in epic race vs. race wars for control of the regions in a devastated Earth. Auto Assault uses the power of the Havok physics engine to let you make insane jumps, send obstacles flying and even blast bridges, buildings, fences and trees with your car-mounted rockets. Anything you can hit, you can destroy!
Savage 2 (PC) - Summer 2006
Savage 2: Tortured Soul builds on the successes of the first title to create new battlefields for multiplayer loving gamers to call home. Return to the fantasy realm of Newerth to continue the epic battle of Savage. As in the original, the game combines traditional RTS play with fast action combat in a multiplayer environment. Savage 2 uses a 20 unit class based system that should create more variety and strategy to who chooses what units in battle, and is more Battlegroup/officer based than ther original for tighter structure and more complex battles.
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (PC) - Spring 2006
The sequel to the successful realtime strategy series, now featuring fantasy locations rather than the realistic span of Earth's wars seen in the original series and expansion packs. Gamers fight through towering cities, flame-swept deserts and brutal ice plains in battles filled with mystical creatures, devastating machines and incredible acts of magic.
Supreme Commander (PC) - TBA 2006
(No article available but note this it is being done by many whom worked on the Total Annihilation games)
Half-Life 2: Aftermath (PC) - April 2006
Half-Life has been named Game of the Year by over 35 organizations worldwide. Half-Life 2: Aftermath is an all-new episode created by Valve that extends the Half-Life 2 single player adventure. The player reprises his role of Dr. Gordon Freeman, who must immediately face the repercussions of his actions in City 17 and the Citadel. Freeman reconnects with Alyx Vance and her robot, Dog, as they continue their support of the resistance's battle against the Combine forces. The intense, real-time gameplay delivered in Half-Life 2: Aftermath is made possible only by Source, Valve's proprietary engine technology which has been enhanced with new rendering technology and advanced artificial intelligence to deliver new levels of graphics and character interaction.
Halo 3 (Xbox 360) - Whenever it Bloody Comes (No one really knows)
Capitalizing on the blockbuster FPS from Bungie, Microsoft is planning its third edition in the epic series as a full-fledged next-gen title, to be released in time to compete with the release of the rival PlayStation 3 system -- day and date, Sony will be facing with its new system the release of one of the most anticipated games of the next-gen system wars. Further info is being kept secret by Microsoft and developer Bungie.
*No pictures are available
Well that is all I could find and/or remember for today, so Until Next.