Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The 360 Returns, the prodigal son...of a manufacturing facility

Feels good to have it back, as a bonus it seems my replacement console may be a part of a change that silently took place. Xbox 360's have been getting new quieter, and better disc drives. Wooot!

Anyways let me review a couple of games I have been itching too play.

Superman Returns (X360) - 6/10

Well this game can be added to the heap of cheesy, rushed movie games that come out all the time. The game follows little storyline....well it probably has a fine storyline thats peppered with the events of the movie, but the cut scenes are too lousy to hold my attention. Outside the cut scenes the game is pretty decent. Free roam is nice especially with super speed and flight, with random events to save the city popping up alot...not as often as preferred but alot. To improve your stats and the city's you can search for kitties...yes kitties. There are 100 strewn throughout the city, and believe they are hard to find.
Once you get past Superman's seizuring cape you will notice a fairly nice game. They team that made allowed full use of Superman's powers but with the limitation of energy/stamina. You need to be careful cause if you drain it then get hit you go down...but you easily recover by taping Y.
I gotta say I did not get this game expecting stelar anything, I only got it cause I can use Superman's powers with unlimitedness....and there's Bizzaro, though i haven't gotten far enough to play as him.

Though at this point I must leave for a Midterm. I believe you might understand.
I will be back to add another review after such time.
Until Next.