Kingdom Hearts 2 - 9/10
A strange attraction is about all that explains why so many, including myself, flock to Kingdom Hearts. The game is a fun mix of the fantastical qualities of Final Fantasy and the magic of Disney. The game continues the fun of the first game and answers many questions if not ends the is hoping they don't make a sequel because they have no where to go. :P
The graphics are a slight step above the first game, but really the difference is only noticeable in the cutscenes, which are amazing. The gameplay has had wonderful additions such as Drive forms and Reaction commands. Drive forms provide wondeful ways to obliterate enemies and Reaction commands provide ways to trick and trash your enemies.
Music much like the first game is great and i wish i had the soundtrack but i must stick to what comes off Limewire for now. :P The gummy ship segments I think are much improved and quite fun. Though they can take some skill, the basic idea is shoot. Just shoot, shoot, and shoot some more, and you will be fine.
Character work was for the most part well done, voices are close to the originals and animation is decent.
Now for as much as i love the game i have some peeves. Animation seemed to forget that chracters have expressions and usually blink...they must have forgot because anyone not Sora, Donald, or Goofy could have used more work. As well, and this is big for me, the collesium provides no experience...none what so ever. I have to say its bull. If i am going to waste items and potentially have my butt kicked give me xp!
Aside from those issues i had few to none. The game is great and a worthy expansion...just wish they had some secret bosses. :(
Until Next.