Recently in the news was a story about a man whom is starting a class action suit against Microsoft. The article which mentions the lawsuit also mentions some classic lines from Microsofts PR department, "We have received a few isolated reports of consoles not working as expected," and the greatest line, " Microsoft has dismissed the claim that the problem is due to rushing the console to market". Now here is my question, barring my feeling of respect for a company whom has actual admitted this, Why-TF did you rush the fucking console to market!!!? It is really genius stuff, like just imagine the onversation they must have had about the release date.
Gates: "Ok people we have to release for christmas for an undetermined reason."
johnson: "But the consoles still have a number of glitches and bugs to be worked out. Basically we are releasing a new kind of mini-desktop. We cannot take this quickly or we will be crucified."
Gates: "Yup, releasing this christmas, sounds great. Ahead of everyone."
Johnson: "But.."
Gates:"...releasing this christmas..." (walks off into a broom closet)
Anyways enough about the boeing 747 crash that is the 360 release. Listening to Video Game Radio - VGamp a song from DDR came up, DDR - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You might not agree with me, hey you might want to slaughter me, but DDR has gone too far and should be shutdown. Imagine seeing your children playing DDR to the tune of the "Wish Upon A Star" Rap, or Celine Dion's "My Heart Goes On" - the remix. I know I would cry in pain just by hearing her music again, but a remix. Gahhhhhhh!! Run away, then off a cliff!! Go to to sign the petition to stop DDR.
Just Kidding...Until Next.